【創業大冒險】創業初期,尋求投、募資前你最該注意的是什麼呢? 建議確保你在公司的絕對控制權。
至少持有67%(即2/3)的股份,在創業初期可讓創辦人在公司章程、增資等事務上擁有主導力,降低和股東協調的溝通成本與時間。 新創圓夢網節錄了活動中專業律師的分享,將募資前、中、後應注意的相關細節製作成筆記✍,快來瞧瞧👀!
📙筆記網址:https://pse.is/38cu56 還有募資相關或其他企業法律問題嗎?
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What is the most important thing you should notice before seeking investment or fundraising in the early stage of entrepreneurship?
Taiwan Startup Hub invited experienced lawyers to share the details should be notice in different stage of fundraising. And we are going to share the notes of this activity!
📙Check our notes: https://pse.is/38cu56
Have more questions about fundraising?
Call our service hotline☎️0800-589-168