【政策簡單說】女力再爆發✨#APEC企業效率與成功目標獎 予成功女性創業家👏 年度 #APEC 企業效率與成功目標獎 ( APEC Business Efficiency and Success Target Award,#APEC_BEST_Award)於日前頒發,來自 #俄羅斯 🇷🇺的無麩質健康食品女性創業家Svetlana… 更多 Shmakova,帶領公司Foodcode從11個APEC會員體中脫穎而出,獲得2020最高榮譽👏📣 該項競賽為俄羅斯提案的APEC倡議,獲 #日本🇯🇵 與 #馬來西亞 🇲🇾等會員體共同支持。
今年競賽主題為「疫後復甦之女性商業領導力」,共計來自11個APEC會員體20名候選人參與競賽💥 有興趣的朋友,請隨時關注APEC官網才能掌握競賽第一手資訊喔😊 🔎資料來源:
https://www.apec.org/Press/News-Releases/2021/0112_BEST The annual APEC Business Efficiency and Success Target Award, known as the APEC BEST Award, announced its 2020 winners, from a diverse group of effective entrepreneurs, innovators, and managers around the APEC region.
Producer of gluten-free, healthy food products, Svetlana Shmakova, from Russia, won the top prize of APEC BEST Award with her company, Foodcode.
The contest is an initiative of Russia with China, Japan, Malaysia and Mexico as co-sponsors of this year’s contest. This year’s contest featured 20 nominees from 11 APEC economies, competing under the theme of “Women Business Leadership in Post-Pandemic Recovery.”