【創業大冒險】第22屆金書獎好書推推👍👍👍 為了提升中小企業經營能力並開拓視野👀🔎
最後評選出23本優良「金書」🏆 📌今天推薦 💻#科技與資訊類💻
📧工業 3.5
📧泛工業革命:製造業的超級英雄如何改變世界?… 更多 企業領導者們的必備讀物✌ 📚 🏆金書獎得獎名單在這裡
💻https://books.moeasmea.gov.tw/article-gba-822-8711 【Startup Adventure】22nd Golden Book Award- Recommended 👍 To assist SMEs in upskilling of administration capacity and broadening of views👀🔎 Three-stage evaluation and discussion🎉🎉
23 “Golden Books” were selected 🏆 📌We would like to recommend a book that received 2020 Golden Book Award. 💻#Technology and Information Category💻
📧Industry 3.5
📧Big Data Predictive Marketing
📧The Pan-Industrial Revolution: How New Manufacturing Titans Will Transform the World The book is good for business leaders✌ 📚 🏆For award-winning books