【創業大冒險】👉社會創新大解密 part2 🙌 #社會創新組織 藉著「眾人之事,眾人助之 」的力量,以順暢網路交流彼此想法,達到突破困境、改善生活、解決問題的目的🔥 👀從回報動物路殺的路殺社線上系統 、創造循環包裝服務的PackAge Plus ,再到結合文史與實境解謎遊戲的芒果遊戲🎏,還有將歪七扭八水果製成果茶醬的格外農品 ,每個人都有機會參與其中、改變社會!… 更多 如果你也有想要解決的社會問題,不妨追蹤社會創新平台掌握最新消息👉 https://si.taiwan.gov.tw/ 【#Social Innovation Lab Sharing What is social innovation part 2 】 Social innovation Organization used Internet to connect each other and find out the solution for solving the problem in society. In order to reduce animals that are killed on roads by cars or other vehicles and set up eco-friendly paths for animals. “Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network” create a group on Facebook to collect these animals end up as road kill information to identify… 更多