【創業大冒險】2021年亞太社會創新合作獎徵件開始🎊 💡報名時間: 即日起至2021年03月01日下午17時
💡報名網站: bit.ly/3beaSGH 💡亞太社會創新合作獎歡迎所有於亞太地區執行、並可扣合SDGs的社會創新合作案例申請! 💡得獎的10個案例將可以加入評審與得獎夥伴社群促進國際交流、並可參與今年4月10-11日亞太社會創新高峰會系列活動! 👏熱烈歡迎從事社會創新計畫的你,快來投件和各國好手相互切磋吧!… 更多 👏 📍如對本活動有任何疑問,請電郵洽: siconsulting@moea.gov.tw 🎊 2021 Asia Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award (APSIPA) is coming soon! 💡Application period: 2021/01/08 – 2020/03/01 (GMT+8 17:00)
💡Application website:
bit.ly/3beaSGH All projects in Asia Pacific region in regard with social innovation actions are welcome to apply! The 10 winners will be invited to join APSIPA community for international networking comprised of influential experts and practitioners in the field, and attend Asia Pacific Social Innovation Summit on 10-11 April, 2021! 👏Let’s meet at APSIPA to expand your social impact! 📍For any further queries, please feel free to contact: siconsulting@moea.gov.tw #TaiwanCanHelp #SocialInnovation #APSIPSA