【創業大冒險】專訪『第九屆女性創業菁英獎』獲獎女力⭐Part 3 #第九屆女性創業菁英獎 3位女性創業者選擇顛覆刻板印象,掌握時代趨勢,讓科技應用更為廣泛! 🌻【基可生醫 / 廖碧虹執行長】結合綠色環保概念,鎖定基因編輯藍海商機
🌿【頑石生活 / 林芳吟創辦人】長年深耕藝術科技文化的轉譯,成為文化與科技結合的重要推手
🌻【酷氏基因/ 林淑娟執行長】首創子宮內膜癌檢測試劑,讓檢測更加安全便利 專訪文章上線中❤️… 更多
https://reurl.cc/ldWAK6 【Startup Adventure】Startups from the Technology Award group of 9th Women Entrepreneurship Award subvert stereotypes, applying technology to diverse fields. 🌻【GEcoll Biomedical】From academic research to entrepreneurship, Liao Pi Hung dedicates to the vast business opportunities of gene editing. 🌿【Bright Ideas for Life】Integrating art and technology, Lin Fang Yin never forgets the original intention: doing cultural interpretations. 🌻【Guzip Biomarkers】Developing unprecedented endometrial cancer testing kit, Polly Lin highlights its benefit to women’s health. Read more information❤️