【財經補給讚】英業達、國發會領投「5G毫米波量產測試」新創,稜研科技完成3億新台幣A+輪募資🔥 🎊… 更多獲投消息:5G毫米波(mmWave)測試方案開發新創稜研科技在11月20日宣佈完成A+輪,將順利募集3億新台幣資金,由電子大廠英業達科(近億元)技跟國發會領投,認購超過一半金額,另外,自動化設備與碳化矽晶圓大廠廣運集團、PCB材料大廠聯茂電子、日本多摩川電子及砷化鎵半導體大廠穩懋電子、國泰創投都參與投資,顯示5G創業題熱度高。 更多細節請見🧐 http://sc.piee.pw/3a9bfq TMYTEK, 5G and satellite communications mmWave solutions provider, has completed it’s A+ round fundraising (30 billion NTD)🎉🎉, led by Inventec and NDC. In addition, investors such as KENMEC Mechanical Engineering, TAMAGAWA Electronics, semiconductor corporations WIN Semiconductors and Cathay Ventures join in the investment, indicating an intense interest in 5G issues. For more information, please visit🤩🤩🤩