基石創投副總江旻峻Brandon Chiang特別就其參加「2020台灣產業新創投資論壇」後,將創投(VC)與企業創投(CVC)的差異及觀察分析,發布於基石創投網頁。FINDIT獲得授權轉載該文,希望新創或是投資人可藉由本篇深入淺出的剖析,了解VC與CVC的特色,以及如何選擇適合自己情況的合作夥伴。🧐🧐 有興趣的朋友趕緊按下去!!😁
… 更多http://sc.piee.pw/395wyk Brandon Chiang, vice president of cornerstone capital has written an article based on his observation on VC and CVC after attending 2020 Taiwan Corporate Venturing Forum. This article has an in-depth analysis on the features of VC and CVC and provide advice for startups when it comes to selecting partners. For more information, please visit👇👇