【數位臺灣書院】 你累了嗎?到腳底按摩館放鬆一下吧。
Feeling tired? Take a break at a foot massage shop! 腳底按摩是華人傳統的養生方法之一,透過按摩腳底穴道,舒緩身體各部位的緊繃不適,非常有用。
Foot massage is a traditional Chinese treatment to maintain good health. You can… 更多 release the stress and uneasiness by massaging different acupoints, which works very well. 華人傳統中的養生方法可不只有腳底按摩而已,太極拳、藥膳料理也都非常有名。例如藥膳可以針對每個人的不同體質調整配方,達到強身健體的作用,是不是很神奇呢?快來看看數位臺灣書院的介紹吧!
And foot massage is certainly not the only traditional Chinese treatment to maintain your good health. Tai-chi boxing, Chinese medicinal cuisine are also very famous. For instance, in medicinal cuisine the recipe is tailor made for individuals with different constitution in order to keep healthy and fit. Isn't that amazing? Come check Taiwan Academy for more information! http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/culture/showtype3/55/101