【數位臺灣書院】 開學了,一切還習慣嗎?
A new semester has started! How's everything? 你選了幾個學分呢?如果想讀書,就到圖書館去,不僅可以安靜念書,也方便找資料。
How many credits have you taken? If you want to study, go to the library. Not only it's quiet, but it's… 更多 also easy to search for materials. 住宿舍和室友相處的還好嗎?這可是交到好朋友的好機會呢!
Are you getting well with your dorm mates? It's a great opportunity to make some good friends! 這次數位臺灣書院教你兩個實用句型,「不是…就是…」、「連…在內…」,快來看看吧!最後別忘了測驗一下自己學會了多少喔!
We'll teach you two practical sentence this time: "Either...or", "..including...". Come check it out! Don't forget to test yourself in the end! http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/video/