【數位臺灣書院】 華人世界的過年一直到元宵節過後才算真正結束。
Chinese New Year won't be over until lantern festival. 元宵節除了看花燈、猜燈謎之外,各地發展出不同的慶祝活動,非常特別,最有名的就是「北天燈、中『火旁』龍、南蜂炮、東寒單」。
Appreciation of lanterns, guessing the lantern riddles are… 更多 only two activities among the many different celebrations for Lantern festival. Sky lantern in the North, Bombing Dragon in the Middle, Bee Firecrackers in the South and Lord Handan in the East are perhaps the most famous ones. 每年元宵節,平溪都會舉辦大型的放天燈活動,人們將祈福心願寫在天燈上,期望可以傳達給上天。
Every year during lantern festival, large event of releasing the flying lanterns are always held in Pingxi. People write down their wishes on the lanterns and hope it would be answered through the flying lanterns. 不知道天燈的典故嗎?數位臺灣書院告訴你!
Don't know where the flying lanterns come from? Let Taiwan Academy tell you the story. ↓↓第95課 祈福天燈↓↓