【創業大冒險】誰來聆聽不同凡響的創新·新創🗣👂 立法院蔡其昌副院長與經濟部中小企業處何晉滄處長12月9日蒞臨社創中心,與進擊的創新創業家們交流🤝 🏆社會創新實踐家:CircuPlus在奉茶精神上,加入科技OpenData的力量,結合奉茶APP,讓民眾喝水更方便,達到源頭減塑! 🏆新創企業家:佛司特透過創新工法開發採光與通風兼具的低碳節能綠建材,獲得多國發明專利,改善屋頂文化,創造社會經濟力!… 更多 蔡副院長見聞廣博,協助創業家們突破盲點,創造更多的可能🎯
何處長也給予創業家們許多勉勵🤝 期望在2021年,不同領域的夥伴連結多邊共好,落實「創新驅動產業,創新改善社會」的正向影響力 #創新新創
#佛司特金屬有限公司 *Social Innovation Practitioner:
CircuPlus has added the power of technology and open data to its core, which has deep cultural roots. The HongDay APP shows where drinking water is accessible all over Taiwan in hopes of reducing the use of plastic water bottles. *Startup Entrepreneurs:
First Metal Products Industrial Co., Ltd. has been dedicated to the R&D of ecofriendly construction materials. Revolutionary roof construction contributing to a better quality of life. We hope that each of these outstanding firms will serve as a model inspiring others to tap their creativity and pursue bold undertakings, thereby continuing to drive the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship in Taiwan to new heights. #CircuPlus