國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2017年7月27日上午10:42 · 世大運即將到來,除了 08/01 即將開展的「故宮•熊讚」特展外,目前展出的「看畫•讀畫-歷代名蹟選萃」也有「古人的運動會」單元,今天介紹和運動有關的畫作是【龍舟奪標】。
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The Dragon Boat regatta is the most important event in the Dragon Boat Festival. Here, 3 such boats are shown. The one in the middle is ornate and the ones in front and back have banners with gongs and drums as the bystanders accentuate this raucous scene.
【(傳)元 吳廷暉 龍舟奪標】
A Closer Look at Chinese Painting: Selected Works from the Ages in the Museum Collection… 更多