【創業大冒險】新創採購-政府新創應用分享會圓滿落幕🎉🎊🎉 11月27日分享會於林口新創園舉行,邀請中央及地方政府與11家新創團隊共襄盛舉見證政府單位與新創團隊合作產生的能量👏👏👏 1.🌎國家人權博物館使用VR科技,使展覽不受時空限制,可線上觀賞
2.📱新北市政府消防局使用無線電通訊整合系統,使救災不受無線電 中繼站因故障而錯失救援任務 3.🚁… 更多基隆消防局預計將無人機技術應用於救災任務中,迅速掌握災害現況,提升消防救災效能等 🤩透過政府機關與新創合作的經驗,可便利政府機關運用創新科技,提升公共服務效能 📢希望能號召政府機關對新創採購有更多的認識與接觸機會 【Startup Adventure】 Government and startup cooperation for Public Procurement for Start-up sharing session🎉🎊🎉
⭐The sharing session was held on the Startup Terrace on November 27, where was show successful cases of cooperation between government and startups. 🎯We invited many governments and 11 startup teams to join the sharing session. 🤩We hope that cooperation can facilitate the use of innovative technologies by government and enhance the effectiveness of public services.