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【數位臺灣書院】 快過年了,華人世界最有特色的年貨大街開鑼了!
Chinese New Year is right around the corner, and it's time for the famous big street for New Year's shopping! 年貨大街裡有許多過年應景的糖果餅乾、紅棗瓜子等,準備年夜飯的材料也可以在這裡買到。
You can find everything on… 更多 the street: from new year candies, cookies, jujube and melon seeds; to everything you need to cook the New Year Eve gather dinner. 店家將整條街布置得十分喜慶,各式各樣的試吃、促銷活動更是令人目不轉睛。
You can tell by the decoration that it is certainly a festival. Not to mention those food tasting and promotion will definitely keep you busy! 到年貨大街擠一擠,湊湊熱鬧,才像過年,快約朋友一塊去看看吧!
nHanging out on the new year shopping street is a must! Come and see it yourself! 數位臺灣書院還教你「快」和「才」的使用方式,快來看看吧。
Taiwan Academy also teaches you how to use 快 and 才 in Chinese - check below for more information. http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/video/speak_mandarin_in_1000_words_detail/1839

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