【創業大冒險】 2020全球創業週 一年一度的全球創業週於上週完美落幕
📅11/16-11/22創業週期間,臺灣各地舉辦超過53場創業活動,40個政府及民間單位加入串聯,累積超過三萬人次參與。 讓我們再次回味精彩活動花絮感受臺灣創業活力: 🔸APEC女性企業加速器國際論壇👉分享女性未來創業發展趨勢與核心能力 🔸G Camp主題展區👉提供展示及體驗智慧生活、互動育樂新創成果… 更多 🔸2020領袖傳承高峰會👉由創業家共同探討發展趨勢、公司治理與永續競爭力 豐沛的創業活動,也讓國際看見臺灣蓬勃的創業生態✨
#點燃你的創業魂 【Startup Adventure】
GEW! What a wonderful week!
📅Over 53 startups related activities were held during 11 /16-11/22 to celebrate global entrepreneurship week.
Events Hosted by SMEA:
🔸APEC Women-Led Start-Up Accelerator Forum👉 to provide training and mentorship and showcasing Taiwanese women-led startups on the global stage. 🔸G Camp 👉 a cradle for promising and sustainable Taiwanese startups and brands. 🔸2020 SMEs Leadership and Business Succession Summit 👉to reform and strengthen SMEs and help them take advantage of new business opportunities. It is estimated more than thirty thousand people participated in GEW activities in Taiwan. Let’s unleash entrepreneurship together! 🌏
#2020GEWinTaiwan #GlobalEntrepreneurshipWee