【政策簡單說】疫情控制得宜 菲律賓🇵🇭放寬隔離措施 #菲律賓 疫情自6月中開始快速惡化,每日確診人數屢創新高,政府也宣布施行強化版社區隔離(Enhanced Community Quarantine, ECQ),除少數必要民生企業繼續營業外,其餘都被迫歇業,就連大眾運輸也暫停營運。 隨著隔離政策產生成效,自8月高峰後每日確診人數逐漸減少,政府開始放寬疫情較不嚴重區域的隔離措施😊… 更多 小編就聽說朋友的朋友因理髮店暫停營業只好在家自己剪頭髮,結果變成了西瓜皮(幫QQ 🔎菲律賓疫情統計:
https://ncovtracker.doh.gov.ph/ The pandemic in the Philippines deteriorated rapidly since June, and the daily confirmed cases had repeatedly hit record highs. The authority has launched the enhanced community quarantine(ECQ) that limits the operation of enterprises except for essential ones, and public transportation has also been suspended. Due to the effectiveness of the quarantine, the daily confirmed… 更多