雲林是臺灣烏魚子的主要產地,烏魚子也是來到臺灣必吃的美食之一,它的製作過程十分複雜,清洗、醃製、洗鹽、風乾等等,每一個步驟都不可忽略,烏魚子可以做出哪些好吃的料理呢? 讓我們跟著華文學習網一起來品嚐吧! http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/video/delicacies_detail/164 Yunlin is Taiwan’s main producer of… 更多 Mullet roe, a delight of Taiwan cuisine that visitors should not miss. Its production process is extremely complex and includes washing, marinating, salting, and drying. No step in the process may be skipped. What kind of delicious dishes can be made from Mullet roe? Let’s taste them with HuayuWorld.org!