【創業大冒險】🔸接地氣的那群人!在地創業x地方創生:專訪甘樂文創🔸 本次直播邀請到走了「創生路」10年餘的林峻丞執行長,分享他這些年回到三峽做的事:如何透過創業協助家鄉更好、實現他的人生理念與夢想! #好康活動 於本場(10月12日)創業圓夢Start-up Hub粉專的直播場次互動,就有機會獲得甘樂文創出品的經典商品,來品嘗用夢想灌溉三峽而來的美味吧😆… 更多 今天10月12日(星期一)下午4點整,由張瑋容(好優數位創辦人)與林峻丞(甘樂文創創辦人)一同與您分享🗣 ●在地創業的挑戰與面對
●地方創生的商業模式 🗣粉專直播網址 https://www.facebook.com/StartUpTaiwan #我是創業系 #一起來治療你的思鄉病 #返鄉創業 #在地創生 #讓家鄉更好 #直播互動有機會獲得美味小禮物 【Start-up Adventure】 Welcome to join us in Startup Live Stream! (16:00, Oct 12th) Due to the dramatic change between city and urban area, many traditional cultures have disappeared in a very short time, Jeffery Lin, founder of The Can Co. Ltd, decided to devote himself into preserving the unique features in hometown and make a better living environment for residents in San Xia, Taiwan. Jeffery Lin will share:
●Challenges faced by localized start-ups
●The business model of Local Revitalization Host: Wei-Rong Chang | GoodYou Digital Co., Ltd, Founder
Speaker: Jeffery Lin | The Can Co. Ltd., Founder *The event will be held in Chinese. *🗣