【創業大冒險】矽谷橡子園創投合夥人🌟瞿志豪🌟來到TAcc+了🥳 🎤活動資訊:
TAcc+邀請到 #橡子園創投 瞿志豪合夥人👍
將以自身創業經驗,以及多年陪伴新創團隊成長與投資早期新創的經驗,跟大家分享如何利用正確的商業模式,來持續推動創新創業的能量,展開更多創業靈感!幫助創業家提升領導力、突破組織發展困境,並打造具市場驗證能力的商業模式,幫助新創成長躍升! 🔥 活動時間:2020年10月14日(星期三)… 更多 13:00-17:55
🔥 活動地點:林口新創園Startup Terrace - B5棟 17樓 TAcc+ Propel大教室(地址:新北市林口區仁愛路二段490號)
🔥 報名網址 https://reurl.cc/GrpobW
🔥 聯絡窗口 avalynn0902@gmail.com 凌小姐 #大師駐點 #瞿志豪 #林口新創園 #TAcc+ #MasterSpeech #AcornCampusTaiwan
For founders of startups those who have ability to create and innovate business idea, but lack of the ability to manage the organization, we invite Michel Chu, who is Acorn Campus Taiwan co-founder, to share his experience of entrepreneurship and early investment. In this presentation, he will show us how to properly use the business model to develop new business and explore more inspiration of entrepreneurial ideas. 🎤Time: 2020-10-14(Wed.) 13:00 ~ 17:55
🎤Location: Startup Terrace B5 17F (No. 490, Sec. 2, Ren’ai Rd., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City 244, Taiwan (R.O.C.))
🎤Application: 👉 https://reurl.cc/GrpobW