【政策簡單說】日本🇯🇵中小企業數位轉型補助計畫--「中小企業數位化支援隊」✨ 為協助中小企業加速 #數位化轉型,日本🇯🇵中小企業廳自2020年9月1日起實施「中小企業數位化支援隊」補助政策,由「中小企業數位化支援隊」營運管理局建置中小企業數位化轉型登記平台,開放給中小企業及日本國內IT專家登記,藉由平台進行企業與IT專家媒合諮商,並補助中小企業導入數位化系統諮商與技術費用‼… 更多 希望藉由減輕中小企業數位化轉型負擔,加速企業數位化轉型,提升企業整體競爭力💪💪 🔎資料來源:
日本中小企業廳「中小企業數位化支援隊」官網 https://digitalization-support.jp/ Start from 1st September, Japan Small and Medium Enterprise Agency executes the subsidy policy of the ‘’support team for SMEs’ digitalization’’ to accelerate the digital transformation of SME. The Agency has established a platform which opens to SMEs and IT experts in Japan. Once completing the registration, SMEs will be matched with the recommended IT experts by the platform and receive the subsidy of consulting fees and technical costs from the Agency. This policy aims to accelerate digital transformation and increase
competitiveness of SMEs by lifting SMEs’ burden on digital transformation