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🔅👉新創採購網站 https://reurl.cc/n0ODR8 #新創採購 #智慧照護 #智慧城市展 #政府採購 【Start-up Adventure】🔅SMART CITY for Smart Care 🔅 🙋The caregivers can easy to keep track of the activities of the elder by the "Smart Security Detection Device for the Elderly" without wearing any devices.
The "Smart Health Management Service" helps the caregivers to collect data through a cloud service to grasp the needs of patients anytime. Smart city startups: https://reurl.cc/E7ENok
🔅 Startup Procurement hotline: 02-6607-2206
🔅 More on Smart Care: https://reurl.cc/2gL9aa #StartupProcurement #SmartCare #SMARTCITY #GovernmentProcurement