【創業大冒險】化傳承為中小企業創新契機 中小企業傳承培訓班 報名最後倒數 🔥 ⭐️第7屆中小企業傳承培訓班以「共學.共享.共創雙贏」精神,邀集中小企業接班人、接班團隊或專業經理人,透過四大核心貫穿傳承培訓,強化跨屆與跨業交流,連結資源與創新合作之契機。 🔺《跨屆溝通》
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可撥打洽詢專線:02-23660812 #216 游小姐
🔸心動報名 https://www.surveycake.com/s/8mkVG
🔸報名期間:即日起至8月31日止 #第七屆中小企業傳承培訓班 【Startup Adventure】The 7th Business Succession Training Program For SMEs Last call! This course will provide SME successors the most relevant lessons to help their company with sustainable growth. Strengthen innovational cooperation opportunity and share resources across industry. Welcome to join us and we look forward to seeing you in class soon. 🔸Learn more information→ contact us: 02-23660812 #216 Ms. Yu
🔸Sign up from now until 2020/8/31
🔸Register for course: https://www.surveycake.com/s/8mkVG #Buildyourlegacy