【政策簡單說】APEC跨域創新生態系國際論壇圓滿落🎉 大家明年見👋👋😉 今年 #跨域創新 最大規模論壇已在8月12日圓滿落幕🎉
匯集了多位跨域創新領域專家、跨國企業代表與優質企業團隊,分享成功經驗及策略,感謝各位的熱情參與,為APEC跨域創新概念帶來最佳示範💪👍 讓我們一起為 #中小企業 加油,邁向永續成長吧🏃♀️🏃♂️ The biggest #Cross_Sector_Innovation_Ecosystem… 更多 event this year ends with great success on 12th August. Experts, representatives from multinational corporations, and outstanding enterprises gathered here to share us with experience and best practices of Cross-Sector Innovation Ecosystem😊 Really appreciate everyone’s participation and support.😊😊❤️ Wish you all the best of luck.😉 A bright future awaits🔝👏