【創業大冒險】🔅SMART CITY 智慧環保主題週🔅 夏日炎炎,水電帳單都爆表啦 ‼️ 該如何幫您省下大筆電費⁉️ 🙋在中小企業處「新創X城市」展館中,新創企業之「雲端智慧能源診斷服務」可即時分析各項用電與節能空間,而「智能雲照明管理系統」結合遠端連線即時控制用電,打造節能的綠色城市! 🔅新創 X 城市展館傳送門 https://reurl.cc/E7ENok 公部門想了解如何採購新創產品?
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🔅更多智慧環保小尖兵報你知 https://is.gd/n8y4Yy #新創採購 #智慧環保 #智慧城市展 #政府採購 【Start-up Adventure】🔅SMART CITY Week for Smart Environmental Protection 🔅 To your pleasant surprise, Intelligent Energy Diagnosis Service can help you save big bucks on electricity!! 🙋 In the Smart City Startups pavilion by SMEA, MOEA, you can find the Intelligent Energy Diagnosis Service to real-time analyze the power consumption and the Smart Lighting Management System to save electricity and build up a green city. Smart city startups: https://reurl.cc/E7ENok
🔅 Startup Procurement hotline: 02-6607-2206
🔅 More on Smart Environmental Protection: https://is.gd/n8y4Yy # Startup Procurement #Smart Environmental Protection # SMART CITY # Government Procurement