【創業大冒險】女創群聚參訪,第一站苗栗🚐 女性創業飛雁計畫 這次帶著女創們
參訪 #第八屆女性創業菁英賽獲獎企業 #金椿茶油工坊 黃捷纓 副總巧妙的運用各種茶油製成料理🥗🍞🍜🍚
讓台灣苦茶油成為世界精品! 另外飛雁也邀請到外貿協會陳濟棠主任… 更多
為在場女創們說明 #國際市場趨勢與海外市場拓銷經驗
分享如何為進入清真市場進行規劃💪💪 透過這次的女創群聚參訪
達成女性企業共同成長的目標❤ #女創群聚參訪
#下一站台中🚐 【Startup Adventure】We have gathered entrepreneurial women as a delegation visiting the Golden-Flower Tea Oil Production Co., Ltd, which is a winner of 2019 Women Entrepreneurship Award. The female representative, Ms. Huang, deputy director, has shared her successful experience of to overseas market and turning the image around from tea oil products towards as a boutique. Also, the TAITRA has been invited to share the global business trend and tips of to foreign markets. Through this activity, we hope to build their social network for their business and the achievement of development.