桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport 。 237,553 個讚 · 1,353 人正在談論這個 · 4,624,945 個打卡次。歡迎蒞臨臺灣桃園國際機場 Welcome to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.
有那麼一群人,總是默默的守護著桃園機場。在旅客們需要幫忙時,他們義不容辭的給予協助;在緊急狀況發生時,他們與桃園機場站在同一陣線,總是用熱忱感染每一位旅客,他們是機場第一線的工作同仁,是我們的好夥伴。 💪
在大家的努力下,桃園機場榮獲2017年Skytrax「世界最佳機場服務人員」及「亞洲最佳機場服務人員」兩項冠軍!與大家分享這份榮耀,也讓我們一起攜手,讓桃園機場更好! Taoyuan Airport has… 更多 been operated by a group of silent guardians. They always help without hesitation when passengers need help. They serve with their passion for every passenger and stand together with the airport in emergency. They are the airport frontline staffs, our best partners.💪 Thanks to their dedication, Taoyuan Airport has been ranked No.1 for both "World's Best Airport Staff" and "Best Airport Staff in Asia" of Skytrax! We share this glory with each of you and together we will make Taoyuan Airport even better!
  • 吳義雄