【政策簡單說】知己知彼,一窺👀各經濟體中小企業的貢獻度📣 APEC提出中小企業概況報告,統計各會員體中小企業的經濟貢獻度、市場進入與國際化的發展情況💪 資料顯示,中小企業在整體出口值的佔比,不同經濟體間的表現大不相同,例如智利僅有2%,加拿大高達40%。但各經濟體的中小企業出口比例與10年前大致相同,無大幅增減🤔 這份報告鼓勵更多中小企業透過出口,提高跨境活動參與。有興趣經營跨國市場的企業,可以前往APEC… 更多 官網取得更多資訊😉
🔗 https://reurl.cc/E7M160 <<The Overview of the SME Sector in the APEC Region>> shows an overview of contribution to the economy, market access, and internationalization of SMEs in the APEC Region. It finds that SMEs’ share of the total value of goods export varies greatly among countries, ranging from just over 2% in Chile to nearly 40% in Canada. However, the feature among SMEs in common is there have been no changes in the proportion of exporting among SMEs in 10 years. This report also encourages SMEs to increase cross-border activities through exports. 🔗Click the link to find out more: