【創業大冒險】第九屆女性創業菁英獎,火熱徵件中🔥 🏆國內專為女性創業者所設立的指標性獎項 #女性創業菁英獎,已經開放報名! 如果您是這樣的女性創業菁英 :
🌸商品、服務或營運模式具創意性的女性菁英企業及新創事業 歡迎您報名 #女性創業菁英獎💪❤️
👉報名連結 https://reurl.cc/ZOzQrM… 更多 您也可以推薦給身邊的女性創業菁英們,傳達您對她們的肯定😘😘 【Startup Adventure】Apply the Women Entrepreneurship Award Now! The Women Entrepreneurship Award has been a reliable indicator of Women Entrepreneurship in Taiwan and it kicks off now! We are looking for female-founded companies with innovative product, service, or business model.💪❤ For more information, please click here:
👉https://reurl.cc/ZOzQrM You can recommend talented female entrepreneurs to apply the Women Entrepreneurship Award now.😘