【創業大冒險】眾人集智慧 政府創永續💪🏻 「2020年總統盃黑客松」於6月19日在經濟部中小企業處林口新創園舉辦第一次工作坊,小英總統出席活動並鼓勵每一位參與的夥伴,秉持黑客精神,讓科技發揮最大的力量! 小英總統強調,相信未來,台灣會持續與國際社會分享我們在開放政府及相關領域之努力與成果,同時也將用更多具體的行動讓世界知道「Taiwan Can Help and Taiwan is helping!」。… 更多 總統盃黑客松今年以「永續發展」為主題,由公部門與民間單位共同提案,將於9月選出5組團隊,提供政府經費落實於政策 👏🏻
誰能出線前進總統府獲獎呢?讓我們繼續看下去... #總統盃黑客松 2020 Presidential Hackathon first workshop was held at Linkou Startup Terrace on June 19, which is the international startup hub under SMEA, Ministry of Economic Affairs. President Tsai Ing-wen attended the event and encouraged all participants. She also looks forward to seeing more creative proposals and innovative ideas be closely integrated with government policies.「Taiwan Can Help and Taiwan is helping!」 The theme of "2020 Presidential Hackathon" is sustainable development. It is jointly proposed through public and private partnerships. The top five finalists will be selected in September and put into practice by government funds. #PH2020