【政策簡單說】就決定是你了!出來吧!APEC跨域創新生態系倡議系列活動💥💥 為增加國內外企業對於 #跨域創新 的認識,我國今年在APEC提出 #跨域創新生態系倡議,希望透過國內外創新思維與成功案例分享,提升中小企業跨域能力建構與競爭力💪 除此之外‼
小編先偷偷預告 (今年也會有活動辦理跟刊物出版)🤫
中小企業處粉絲團將不定期更新相關資訊😏✨ Promoting the… 更多 knowledge of the cross-sector innovation ecosystem, we proposed Cross-Sector Innovation Ecosystem initiative. It aims to develop the capacity building of cross-sector innovation and competitiveness of SMEs through introducing and integrating knowledge. Furthermore, there will be a 2-day event and a publication focused on trends of SMEs development, especially on cross-sector cooperation and/or innovation. Follow us, stay tuned✨ 🌟倡議介紹: