【政策簡單說】紓困比一比-就業篇📣 由於COVID-19(武漢肺炎),各國企業營運受到影響,失業率大幅提升,因此為穩定勞動市場,各國政府也紛紛推出對應方案✨ 🇺🇸美國薪資保護計畫(Payroll Protection Program)提供貸款給受疫情衝擊的中小企業發薪水、支付租金和水電費。
🇹🇼… 更多臺灣則針對受衝擊的製造業及商業服務業等,給予薪資補貼。 儘管各國計畫內容略有差異,但相信在政府相挺下,企業都能順利度過難關🤝💪 COVID-19 outbreak has greatly influenced the global economy and labor market, causing surge in unemployment rates and the deceleration of global economic activities. To stabilize the labor market, governments introduce bailout loans. 🇺🇸The U.S. launches Payroll Protection Program to help businesses keep their workforce employed during the pandemic. 🇩🇪Germany continues to promote Kurzarbeit, Short-time work compensation schemes,… 更多