【創業大冒險】第4屆G Camp最後一周,徵選倒數囉📣
👉報名點這邊https://pse.is/R4ES3 經濟部中小企業處透過與知名國際創育機構合作辦理G Camp,快速提升臺灣新創企業簡報力、管理力、募資力及國際展會⾏銷力。 凡是數位經濟、循環經濟與體驗經濟相關新創企業,都歡迎踴躍報名參加! 【更多資訊】
🔹… 更多審查結果公告:109/6/24(三),將以e-mail通知
🔸G Camp正式課程:109/7/10(五)—12(日)
🔸洽詢專線:(02)2592-2681分機309、310劉小姐 註:主辦單位保留議程更動之權利,並以活動網站公告為準。 🎥🎥🎥學長姐現身說法,歡迎加入G Camp大家庭
https://pse.is/TCTY9 【Startup Adventure】
📣 Final call for the 4th G Camp(deadline: June 14 00:00 am )📣
Sign-up here👉https://pse.is/R4ES3 At G Camp, our mentor would provide assistance for startups for global expansion to create the next unicorn, which included entrepreneurial spirits, international market access, corporate collaboration, team management, investment relationship, and global fundraising! Startups or teams with products solutions in the digital, circular and experience economy related areas are all welcome to apply. 🎥Watch video here!
https://pse.is/TCTY9 【More Information】
🔸Call for Startups:2020.5.11(Mon)~ 2020.6.14(Sun)12:00🕛
🔹First Batch:2020.6.24(Wed),announced by email
🔹G Camp:2020.7.10(Fri) —12(Sun)
🔹Contact:+886-2-2592-2681 #309、#310