A foreign taxpayer staying in the R.O.C. for more than 90 days shall file his/her remuneration derived from abroad for the services rendered in the R.O.C. and pay the tax. In addition, he/she… 更多 may claim dependents in his/her tax return and be entitled to have the exemption and deductions when his/her accumulated days of stay is equal or more than 183 days. (🧔👱♀外僑納稅義務人只要同一年度在臺超過90天,就要申報國外薪資所得並申報納稅喔~並且居留滿183天才能申報扶養親屬及適用免稅額及扣除額喔~) 🔰中文版說明
https://www.facebook.com/ntbt.mof/photos/a.274451792679862/1263123703812661/?type=3&theater #響應雙語政策