【創業大冒險】從興趣找出市場痛點-Hikingbook 陪你安全爬山 做自己喜歡的事,還能順便賺錢多好啊!但靠興趣創業真的有比較容易嗎? 本次直播,透過同是創業者的何佳勳(圭話行銷創辦人)主持,一起來聽登山書Hikingbook創辦人柯政祥的分享—將興趣化為事業的創業甘苦談:
2️⃣APP創業的獲利模式與機會 6月2日晚上七點準時開播,讓我們一起攀登征服創業這座山🏔。… 更多 ✨直播旋轉門👇 https://reurl.cc/E7DoQ1 🎁看直播互動就有機會獲得平安登山小禮物 #創業經驗分享 #APP #創業 #登山 #新創 『Startup Live Stream』 will see you tomorrow night! (7:00 PM, June 2nd)
Is it a good choice to start a business based on your interest? What are the pros and cons? The founder of Hiking book is here ready to share how it works in a business plan! Host: Angle Ho| ATMarketing, Founder
Speaker: Zheng-Xiang Ke | Hikingbook, Founder & CEO ✨Click to watch👇
*The event will be held in Chinese.*