… 更多近日外交部長吳釗燮對國際媒體說,如果未來大陸經濟下滑就有可能對台動武。這話真是胡扯!明明從金融海嘯後,大陸經濟成長已經持續下滑十年,為何馬英九執政八年兩岸關係平穩繁榮,絲毫不受大陸經濟下滑的影響?現在蔡英文才執政三年多,大陸就會因為經濟下滑而想要攻打台灣?甚至還說這是受到貿易戰的影響,難道他要暗示連美國都變成大陸攻台的幫凶嗎?這位斷交破紀錄的外交部長,事事都怪北京作祟,要他推動經貿外交就推說外館有質疑。其實也好,蔡總統最好都別換人,這樣才有人一直站在前面幫她擋子彈⋯ "If the internal stability is a very serious issue, or economic slowdown has become a very serious issue for the top leaders to deal with, that is the occasion that we need to be very careful," Wu said on Wednesday.
"We need to prepare ourselves for the worst situation to come...military conflict." Taiwan warns of possible attack if China's economy slows down
https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/11/taiwan-warns-attack-china-economy-slows-191107065509155.html #自己袂生牽拖厝邊
Taiwan warns of possible attack if China's economy slows down
Foreign Minister Joseph Wu says Taiwan needs to be prepared for military conflict as he warns of Beijing's 'aggression'.