【創業大冒險】總統盃黑客松-國際松熱烈徵件中 盛大召集全球各方高手以開放資料、科技與協作線上提案,同時和各國高手來場空中過招,共同朝永續發展邁進! 💡題目:「營造永續發展(SDGs)」
💡報名截止時間: 2020年6月12日15時
💡報名網站 https://reurl.cc/g7Nk3z
💡徵件影片 https://reurl.cc/4RlpG3 📍聯繫窗口… 更多
戎小姐:+886 2-2366-0812 #125 huamin_jung@nasme.org.tw #PresidentialHackathon2020
#總統盃黑客松 2020 Presidential Hackathon International Track calls for your best idea! We’re only a decade away from SDG 2030.
Through digital technologies and innovation, you could be the hacker that solves the problem. Let’s put our heads together to make a better world. Team up, hackers! 💡Challenge Theme: ENABLING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
💡Application deadline: 2020/6/12 (GMT+8 15:00)
💡Application website : https://reurl.cc/g7Nk3z
💡 Official video : https://reurl.cc/4RlpG3 📍For further queries, please feel free to contact: huamin_jung@nasme.org.tw