【感謝各國在WHA為臺灣 #仗義執言‼️】 Taiwan has remained locked out of the proceedings of the ongoing #WorldHealthAssembly session over the last couple of days, however, many of those inside the chamber have been advocating… 更多 on our behalf! Representatives from like-minded countries and allies, including the #US 🇺🇸, #Japan 🇯🇵, #Canada 🇨🇦, #Australia 🇦🇺, #StVincentandtheGrenadines 🇻🇨, the #MarshallIslands 🇲🇭, #Palau 🇵🇼, #Paraguay 🇵🇾, #Honduras 🇭🇳 and #Guatemala 🇬🇹, have stated, whether directly or indirectly, that the #WHO needs Taiwan just as much as Taiwan needs the WHO! 這兩天 #WHA 進行了總務委員會與首日的全會議程,#臺灣 雖然被阻擋在外,場內 #挺臺聲浪 卻波波相連到天邊🌊 美國、日本、加拿大、澳洲、聖文森、馬紹爾群島、帛琉、巴拉圭、宏都拉斯、瓜地馬拉等 #友邦 與 #理念相近國家,動之以情說之以理,明說暗示,就是要讓全世界知道 #臺灣需要WHO #WHO需要臺灣 📣 相關新聞稿 https://reurl.cc/r4RGZ #勇敢自信 #世界同行 <br> #有片快看 🎬<br> #有瓦斯最帥 😎<br> #留言分享你最愛的挺臺金句吧 👇 (影片節錄自 世界卫生组织)