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「布袋戲」可說是許多台灣人的兒時記憶,猶記得小時候逢年過節最期盼的,莫過於欣賞廟會舉辦的布袋戲演出,望著台上栩栩如生的戲偶招來式往、飛躍翻騰,令人看得是如癡如醉。位於雲林虎尾的「霹靂國際多媒體」,為全球最大的布袋戲製作中心,採用電影的拍攝手法,注入高科技的動畫特效,讓「霹靂布袋戲」成為時下年輕人的另一種文化。快跟華文學習網來看看這「霹靂潮流」吧!http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/video/liberal_arts_detail/230 Glove puppetry is many people’s childhood memory. Many can remember looking forward to the fascinating… 更多 and exciting glove puppetry shows at the temple fairs during Chinese New Year. “Pi-li Puppetry Troupe”, based in Huwei, Yunlin, is the world’s largest glove puppetry troupe. With cinematography techniques and high-tech animation and special effects, “Pi-li Puppetry” can become a popular culture among young people. Let’s go check out this newest trend with e-Learning Portal for Chinese Education!