#郵輪新聞 世界最大的郵輪現在即將有第四艘了
皇家加勒比(Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.)宣佈第四艘綠洲級(Oasis-class)命名為SYMPHONY OF THE SEAS
約為22.8萬總噸,最多可載6,780位旅客、2,394位船員 http://www.cruisecotterill.com/cruise-news/fourth-oasis-class-ship-to-be-named-symphony-of-the-seas
Fourth Oasis-Class Ship To Be Named Symphony Of The Seas?
Royal Caribbean International’s forth Oasis-class ship is yet to be named by the cruise line but one of its biggest partners FlowRider has possibly leaked the name of the new ship before the cruise...