國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2017年2月8日上午9:46 · 國立故宮博物院 北部院區 常設展之一的「吉金耀采-中國歷代銅器展」展出許多院藏精彩青銅文物,其中也包括許多兵器盔甲,每回看到這些,小編總會神遊,遙想當年將士們馳騁沙場的英姿!
During the mid to late Spring and Autumn… 更多 period, the calligraphic style niao-chong-zhuan (an ornate script resembling the shapes of animals) was popular in the southern state Cai. The six-character sword inscription reads that it belonged to Marquis Chan of Cai, dating it to between 471-457 B.E.C.
【春秋晚期 蔡侯產戈】
Rituals Cast in Brilliance–Chinese Bronzes Through the Ages
【Ge dagger of Marquis Chan of Cai】(Northern Branch)
Late Spring and Autumn Period, 471-457 B.C.E.
Length: 31 cm
Website: http://www.npm.gov.tw/exh99/bronzes/html/page_en_01.html