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  • John Lee
    Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多