【#臺灣 國際醫療援助微電影 - #南島的祝福】<br> 10語版同步上映 🇹🇼🇬🇧🇯🇵🇪🇸🇫🇷🇩🇪🇷🇺🇻🇳🇮🇩🇹🇭 我們的太平洋友邦 #索羅門群島,醫療資源十分匱乏,每10,000人只能分配到2名醫生,遠低於每10,000人可享有14.89名醫生的世界平均數值。 為了協助提升當地醫衛環境,十多年來,臺灣透過各式獎學金計畫,默默培育了超過70位醫事人員👩⚕️👨⚕️… 更多,而其中一位叫做保羅.波波拉的醫生,正為當地帶來巨大的轉變... #從心出發 #預告改變 💗 <br> #完整長片 #敬請期待 <br> #授人以魚不如授人以漁 🎣 Roll up! Roll up! Why not check out MOFA's latest short film 'An Island Doctor on Call'? Meet Dr. Paul Bosawai Popora, a doctor from the #SolomonIslands 🏝 who trained at a medical school in #Taiwan with support from the MOFA Taiwan Scholarship Program. We follow him through an average day in his practice and see how Taiwan has facilitated him in improving the lives of the people of the Solomons. There are two doctors per 10,000 people in… 更多