國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2017年1月25日上午2:03 · 來看沈周這隻 捲成貓球 還一邊斜眼看人的貓!
Look a cat curled into a ball with its head sticking out and eyes staring to the side.
The artist perhaps intentionally portrayed the cat as a ball (with only a few lines for the paws… 更多 underneath) to express a playful touch of humor.
【明 沈周 貓】
Expressions of Humor in Chinese Painting and Calligraphy (Northern Branch)
Shen Zhou (1427-1509), Ming dynasty
Album leaf, ink on paper, 34.8 x 54.5 cm
沈周(1427-1509),字啟南,號石田,長洲(江蘇蘇州)人。能詩文,善書畫,為明四大家之一。… 更多