「如果明天中俄聯手入侵台灣?美國怎麼辦?」 美國前眾議院議長金格里奇 Newt Gingrich 發出如此警訊,他在福斯新聞網上發表最新評論,他指出如果中美為台開戰,雖然代價很高,美軍仍能獲勝。但如果中俄聯手,美國將毫無勝算。現在台海局勢日趨緊張,愈來愈多美國人提出警告,不過台灣目前勇武派當道,堅信美國人會不計血本為台灣打仗,絕不會被這種喪氣話給嚇到的! “Now, imagine that China… 更多 launches a campaign against Taiwan with the help of Russian air forces. This would entirely change the dynamic, making it much more difficult and costly (in blood and treasure) – and much less likely for any sort of U.S. victory.“ Newt Gingrich: China-Russia military alliance would have incredible impact on US
https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/newt-gingrich-china-russia-strategic-alliance #台灣勇武派實在太天真
Newt Gingrich: China-Russia military alliance would have incredible impact on US
For many years, China and Russia were like two estranged communist relatives, but that is changing. In recent years, China and Russia have cooperated in a number of military exercises – and their first long-range joint air patrol in the Asia-Pacific region this past summer.