雙語大擂臺:教育電臺每天早上八點整播出雙語文教新聞,為了更加提升雙語文教新聞的編譯品質,廣徵各界雙語好手一同來找碴、切磋,看看以下雙語新聞您是否有更好的編譯方法: “ … 更多 教育部昨天(25)舉辦「十二年國民基本教育政策座談會」,總統馬英九表示,十二年國教時機已到,不要再蹉跎。面對各界對於比序項目、方式有意見,以及部分明星高中對開放免試名額有不同看法,馬總統認為,自己和家中小孩都是就讀明星學校,非常了解這些明星學校、家長、學生及校友的感受,但這些問題不是一時半刻可以解決,將採漸進方式處理。
President Ma Ying-jeou said that the time has arrived for Taiwan to extend its basic education program from nine to twelve years yesterday in a seminar held by The Ministry of Education (MOE) for the twelve-year compulsory education policy. With regard to different concerns about the ranking of schools and methods as well as the number of vacancies open for direct admissions without students having to take any entrance exam, President Ma said that he understood the feelings of these “star” schools, parents, students and alumni according to his own and his children’s experience of studying in the “star” schools. However, these problems can’t be resolved overnight and have to be dealt with gradually.”