【帶你逛逛華語文學習網】 大稻埕於1869年將首批烏龍茶由淡水銷往紐約,大受歡迎,Formosa Tea 從此揚名海外,開啟了大稻埕的茶歷史。臺北市的朝陽公園保存了許多臺灣茶文化,走進一趟,能讓你了解臺灣的茶歷史,從茶葉種植到包裝出售等等,帶你回到100年前茶香四溢的大稻埕。 In 1869 Dadaocheng sold Oolong tea from Tanshui to New York for the… 更多 first time, to a warm welcome. Formosa Tea became famous overseas, the opening step in Dadaocheng’s long history of tea. Taipei’s Chaoyang Park preserves many aspects of Taiwan’s tea culture. A trip to the park will enable you to understand the history of tea in Taiwan, from the type of tea leaf to packaging and sales, taking you back one hundred years to Dadaocheng, redolent with the aroma of tea. 連結網址:http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/video/century_series_detail/268