【政策簡單說】日本橫濱市Prime商品劵帶動新增消費,創造出2.36倍經濟效益📈 日本🇯🇵橫濱市為提升地方消費力道,活化地方經濟發展動能,2015年下半年發行115.2億日圓橫濱Prime 商品劵,共計10,996家商家參加,回收率達99.84%。 發行商品券中,橫濱市政府補助20%,共19.2億日圓,消費者負擔95.8億日圓✅… 更多 商品券共刺激125.5億日圓消費額,包含新增消費金額約45.3億日圓,創造補助金額約2.36倍的經濟效益;提升橫濱市相關產業經濟效益達28.7億日圓,帶動出補助金額約1.5倍產業效益‼ In order to stimulate and support consumption in the local area, Yokohama City issued 11.52 billion yen "gift certificates with Yokohama-shi premium" in the second half of 2015. According to the official report, 10,996 stores partook in this event and 99.8% of gift certificates had been used. 20% of the issued gift certificates, 1.92 billion yen, is subsidized by the city government, while the rest of that, 9.58 billion yen, is paid by… 更多
Ming Yuan Chang
馬英九的消費券會失敗,就是沒有限制用途,列如加油站、用消費券購買電器產品甚至購車,對於餐館、商販、旅遊業,完全沒有得到景… 更多氣低迷帶動的好處,因此失敗,電器3C產品全部來自中國,馬英九發消費券中國反而得好處。