【政策簡單說】中小企業物聯網創新的機會與挑戰💪💪 未來AI時代,#物聯網 將會是收集線下資料最好的載具及方法,然而,相較軟體開發所需資源,比硬體開發還要來得複雜許多,除了最基本的時間和人力投入之外,更有供應鏈合作問題需要克服🤔🤔 「第27期 #中小企業趨勢監測報」邀請邁特電子分享
硬體研發和製造的相關經驗,以及從概念到設計的三個程序✨✨ 🔗全文下載及其他精彩內容傳送門,快點進來瞧瞧吧 … 更多http://sc.piee.pw/Q3777 In the future of AI era, IoT will be the best vehicle and method to collect off-line global data. However, comparing with the software, the development of hardware products requires not only time and human resources but also the collaboration with the product supply chain. Mighty Net shares its experience in the 27th APEC SME Monitor, focusing on the 3 processes from the design to manufacturing.