國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2017年1月6日上午7:54 · 今天週五,照例開館到晚上21點(20:30 後停止入館)歡迎大家多多利用夜間延長開館時段,可以有更好的參觀品質。
一月份開始 書畫 多了好幾個新展,其中一個是非常有趣的「書畫家的幽默感」。… 更多
A person with a sense of humor therefore has the ability to both understand and employ humor, having a degree of intelligence and an open-minded attitude. Humor involves a keen power of observation and imagination using light-hearted and amusing forms of association and metaphor to convey life experiences, ways of thinking, or just things of playful… 更多